Do you know that it takes 4 logs to make a fire?

Although burning wood is one of the oldest customs in our society, you are often unaware of some factors that can make the task of lighting the wood stove or fireplace much easier.
Here are some curiosities:
- With one or two logs, you will not be able to make a fire. If you add a third one, you will see that it will light up, but you will need at least four logs to make a fire.
- Small firewood will make it easier for you to light the fire and the more you add, the more heat it will give.
- In fact, when the fire is lit, the gas released by the wood burns. Therefore, if the firewood is smaller, it is easier to obtain the temperature necessary to burn the gas.
- Avoid green wood because it will be difficult to light the fire, it will produce more smoke and will dirty the windows and the duct.
- The different colors of the flames provide you with very useful information to know the state of the fire.
- Yellow. It indicates that the fire is very rich in oxygen. You see it especially at the beginning, when the chips start to burn.
- Orange. When the flame is at the most stable working moment.
- Red. It indicates that the fire has little oxygen.
- Blue. Determines the gasification zone.
- The color of the smoke also helps you know more about the operation of your stove or fireplace.
- White. Indicates the existence of water vapor. It is not possible to reach temperatures above 100oC until the water is removed.
- Gray. It is the color of gases, such as methane or tar, which are very volatile. The autoignition temperature is more than 200 oC, which is necessary to obtain the flame.
- Yellow. It refers to carbonization; that is, the transition from wood to charcoal.
- Blue. Indicates the end of carbonization.
For proper functioning of your stove or fireplace, use dry wood that allows you to light the fire faster, produces more heat and less smoke; You will get better performance from your fireplace or stove.